
The End of Discipleship


The End of Discipleship

(A Sermon Based on John 2:1-11)

Jesus' signature sign is this one: the wedding at Cana. That's, at the very least, what this sermon argues. What does this sign point to though? What is it that the disciples were believing about Jesus that this sign showed them? This is a sermon that explores that idea and asks its hearers to trust that Jesus through his hour wants to take his disciples all the way to the end of their discipleship journey to the place of God's final blessing.

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The Question of Discipleship


The Question of Discipleship

(A Sermon based on John 1:29-42)

The human experience shows that we are seeking beings. We are always seeking and never quite finding. We are always going somewhere, but never quite arriving. This is a sermon about how we humans can finally arrive to a place where we can stop feeling a need to go anywhere - a sermon meant to enable you to end your spiritual quest. Step one? Halt and try to answer Jesus' question of discipleship. Listen in.

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The Lord on Our Seas


The Second Sermon in a Series called SuperNATURAL based on Matthew 14:22-33

We all naturally want to believe that we are captains of our own boats and lords on our own seas. That kind of living produces fear, terror, and doubt when we encounter forces beyond ourselves. Jesus does his most profound supernatural work here when he returns us to a spiritual place where we trust his power and his grace in our storms. Listen in to see how he does it!

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The God Who Satisfies Me in the Wilderness


The First in a Sermon Series called SuperNATURAL based on Matthew 14:13-21

We all live in a wilderness. We live in a wilderness of disappointment and worry, pain and death, scarcity and thorns. That is our life. And because that's true we are all hungry inside. Listen in to learn what God does when he breaks in to our wilderness. It is the gospel!

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PreText on Matthew 12:46-50

This is a brand new effort at Peace to enable you to plumb more of the depths of Sunday's upcoming sermon text. It is not a sermon. It is PreText information so that your heart can more easily and more powerfully grasp what will be the sermon on Sunday. This Sunday's pretext work is on Matthew 12:46-50.

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This is Us

The Sixth Sermon in a Series called Romans The Gospel According to Paul Based on Romans 7:15-25

Christian life so often does not look a whole lot like life. It looks like struggle. It looks like losses. It looks like doing what I don't want to do. That's what it looks like. And it's painful and frustrating, lonely and hard. This is a sermon to minister to that.

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