
Exodus: The Moment that Pooled

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Exodus: The Moment that Pooled

A Sermon Based on Exodus 2:11-25

Are you tired of the way things are? God has promised a way out. This sermon series based on the book of Exodus is an exodus of our own. It is an exodus, if not from other things in our lives, from depression, despair, despondency, and the pressing down of life. As we see the power and the might of God as he moves for us his people, we will grow in faith, hope, and love. This sermon begins the series, characterizing Moses, who points us to our great Christ!

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It Looks Like It


It Looks Like It

(A Sermon Based on John 3:14-21)

When you look around your life, it sure can look like it's lacking God's love. Especially when things aren't going right. In fact, it can really look like your worst fears are being confirmed  - like God's out to get you. That's the person John writes to and the person Jesus speaks to. Both Jesus and John are both intent that you look around your life and you see the love of God undeniably towering above everything else in your life. It's time to see that. So you believe... 

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Your Temptation and Mark

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Your Temptation and Mark

(Mark 1:12-15)

There is a great irony when it comes to Mark's account of Jesus' temptation. The same time he talks about temptation, he creates one. You can see people falling under the weight of that temptation everywhere if you look carefully for it. What temptation is that? The temptation to believe that because Mark's message is short it's also small - to rush right past what he says. This sermon fights back against that temptation. It seeks to reveal the heart and core of Mark's short, but major message on Jesus' temptation.

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The God Who Satisfies Me in the Wilderness


The First in a Sermon Series called SuperNATURAL based on Matthew 14:13-21

We all live in a wilderness. We live in a wilderness of disappointment and worry, pain and death, scarcity and thorns. That is our life. And because that's true we are all hungry inside. Listen in to learn what God does when he breaks in to our wilderness. It is the gospel!

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