
The God Who Makes Us Laugh

The Second Sermon in a Series called Romans: The Gospel According to Paul Based on Romans 4:18-25

Life can often look so barren. Like such a wasteland of busted hopes, dreams, and relationships. The Christian faith is the story of a group of people who hold to faith in a God who not only can bring them to a perfect and secure life, but also wants to. And this despite the many reasons these same people have given their God to change his mind about what he wants to do for them. Listen in to find out what makes them so confident. 

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Gaga for Gamaliel?

A Sermon Based on Acts 5:29-40 for Ascension Day

Life seems to be full of waiting rooms. Places where you have little control. Places where you exert little influence. Places where people more important and more influential like Gamaliel seem to be in charge. Those kind of places. That's what Christian life can look like. Today Luke shows us what Christian life really is. Check out this powerful sermon on the importance of Jesus' Ascension.

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Jesus' First Pick

The Fourth Sermon in a Sermon Series called ACT II based on Acts 7:57-8:3; 9:1-6

The Spirit through Luke gives us the biography of a true terrorist who parachutes into the Acts story out of the clear blue sky. It's so striking. And why? So we know who Jesus thinks has the right resume to bring his gospel to the world. And that fact alone has a world to say to every Christian who has a high and holy calling. Today we think of how that relates to Christian moms.

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David and Absalom


The Fifth Sermon in a Series Called David based on 2 Samuel 18:33-19:4

The Spirit in this Scripture is going to ask you to believe that people close to you who hurt you - like Absalom did David - ultimately come into your life to heal you. It's tough to believe that about your ex, or that nasty co-worker, or that family member who betrayed you, but it's true. God uses difficult people in your life to surgically remove the parts of your soul that harm you. It hurts before it heals, but it does heal. Listen in below!

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