



(A Sermon Based on Esther 10)

Hope is often a very abstract, nebulous concept to us. The Scriptures, however, go much further than that. They provide concrete images of hope. This sermon examines one of those images and explores why Scripture works like this. Finally, it points to Jesus as the confidence for a hope that is always heaping up to more hope.

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The King of God's Heart

The King of God's Heart

(A Sermon based on 1 Samuel 13)

None of us are living un-ruled, kingless lives. We all have hopes and dreams. We all also have core beliefs about who or what will get us there. Who or what we believe that to be is our heart’s true king. This sermon based on 1 Samuel 13 is all about that: the True King. It’s about understanding who our heart's king naturally is and how God established his heart's king in ours. Check it out! 

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God's Heavenly Honey Pot


God's Heavenly Honey Pot

(A Sermon based on 1 Samuel 14:24-45)

We all have a story we are telling ourselves about our lives. We could call it our narrative. It's our belief about where our life is headed right now and how it's all eventually going to turn out. Many people try to tell us what that narrative is or try to dictate it to us. Sometimes people even try to make it turn out badly - to curse it. This is a sermon about who grips our narrative and how he makes our story turn out in the end. Check it out!

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Climbing with the Crowned Prince


Climbing with the Crowned Prince

(A Sermon on 1 Samuel 14:1-12)

Our lives all have spiritual topography. As we look over the topography of our lives we can notice large and looming heights and cliffs. On top of these high strongholds are the enemies in our lives that scare us. This is a sermon about what life with the true crowned Prince of Israel looks like. It's powerful attacking history about off-the-hook bravery. Listen in!

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Jesus' First Pick

The Fourth Sermon in a Sermon Series called ACT II based on Acts 7:57-8:3; 9:1-6

The Spirit through Luke gives us the biography of a true terrorist who parachutes into the Acts story out of the clear blue sky. It's so striking. And why? So we know who Jesus thinks has the right resume to bring his gospel to the world. And that fact alone has a world to say to every Christian who has a high and holy calling. Today we think of how that relates to Christian moms.

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