
Just Be Held


Just Be Held

(A Sermon Based on Luke 1:67-80)

There is an overwhelming bunch of good news in this song. God has come to visit us; redeem us; and be the power of salvation for us. On and on the song goes like that exalting the grace and mercy of God toward his people. There is here, however, more than anything else an image of a new dad here - a dad who sings a lullaby to his children to hold them with his words. It is God telling you to just be held as you go through scares in life. Listen in.

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God's Ultimate Sign


God's Ultimate Sign

(A Sermon based on Isaiah 7)

You probably didn't learn this Bible story as a kid. It probably didn't make your Sunday School curriculum. You probably didn't hear it through the Christian grapevine either if you grew up outside of the church. And there's good reason for that. There's also good reason to hear it. This is a Scripture that contains not just a prophecy of the Christ, but arguable the most recognized Christ prophecy in the entire Bible.  There's a reason it is. There's also a reason why we need to hear the whole story about where it comes from and why it lands there. It's a powerful Scripture full of God's mercy and grace. Listen in.

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The Lord on Our Seas


The Second Sermon in a Series called SuperNATURAL based on Matthew 14:22-33

We all naturally want to believe that we are captains of our own boats and lords on our own seas. That kind of living produces fear, terror, and doubt when we encounter forces beyond ourselves. Jesus does his most profound supernatural work here when he returns us to a spiritual place where we trust his power and his grace in our storms. Listen in to see how he does it!

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