Songs of the Season

Just Be Held


Just Be Held

(A Sermon Based on Luke 1:67-80)

There is an overwhelming bunch of good news in this song. God has come to visit us; redeem us; and be the power of salvation for us. On and on the song goes like that exalting the grace and mercy of God toward his people. There is here, however, more than anything else an image of a new dad here - a dad who sings a lullaby to his children to hold them with his words. It is God telling you to just be held as you go through scares in life. Listen in.

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The Essence of the Christian's Song


The Essence of the Christian’s Song

(A Sermon Based on Luke 1:46-56)

There are reasons why we don’t sing. There are also reasons why we do. This song is all about the latter. It’s all about making the Lord as big as he actually is through meditating on his Words and promises. This sermon functions as a duet with Mary. Its goal is to enable you join and make it into a joyful chorus. Listen in!

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The Rule of Jesus Begins


The Rule of Jesus Begins

(A Sermon Based on Luke 1:26-45)

There is an achingly real Mary that we need to notice here. Why? Because we all have achingly real lives. When we truly see her, we can truly see how Jesus comes to us. He comes as Savior and God. We don’t immediately rejoice over that, but the Spirit gets us there. Listen in to see how.

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The Quiet of Christmas


The Quiet of Christmas

(A Sermon Based on Luke 1:5-25)

There are many, many miracles here in Luke 1. There is, however, one that may be most relevant of all to us: the silencing of Zechariah. This is a sermon that meditates on the meaning of that miracle. It seeks to let hope rise in the hearer in the unbreakable promises of God. Listen in.

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