
The End of Discipleship


The End of Discipleship

(A Sermon Based on John 2:1-11)

Jesus' signature sign is this one: the wedding at Cana. That's, at the very least, what this sermon argues. What does this sign point to though? What is it that the disciples were believing about Jesus that this sign showed them? This is a sermon that explores that idea and asks its hearers to trust that Jesus through his hour wants to take his disciples all the way to the end of their discipleship journey to the place of God's final blessing.

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Quote This


Quote This

(A Sermon on Matthew 22:1-14)

This section of Matthew's gospel is one, massive Christ quote. It's a Christ quote with the exception of eight English introductory words. But it's not just that. It's not just a massive Christ quote. It's also a quote of Christ quoting God. Think about that. This is the Spirit of God telling us with the Son of God said was on God the Father's heart. That makes these God quotes a pretty big deal. This isn't a sermon about those quotes though. It's a sermon about the quote that never came. Listen in.

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