
The Inspired Life

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The Inspired Life

(A Sermon Based on 1 Corinthians 15:20-34)

Christians want to live inspired lives, but we often don’t. We often slip into lives that fret over the details; that have hopes that are too brittle; and dreams that are too small. Paul inspires us here to live inspirational lives by looking forward to more than we ever have before. This is our new life after Easter.

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Death to the Death in Your Thinking

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Death to the Death in Your Thinking

(A Sermon Based on 1 Cor. 15:12-19)

There are far more non-sequiturs that happen than we know. Some are comical. Others are serious. Still others often happen unnoticed right there inside us. This is a sermon that seeks to undo the most fundamental non sequitur that regularly lives inside of Christians: the belief in death. Listen in to hope more deeply in life after Easter.

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Grace is More

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Grace is More

(A Sermon Based on 1 Cor. 15:8-11)

Ten times Paul refers to himself in this tiny section of Scripture! Don’t think it’s because it’s narcissistic. He’s not. Paul wants us to do something more than hear what he’s saying. He wants us to see what he’s saying. And why does he want that? Because naturally, we fight what we most need: grace. Grace fights back and claims our hearts. Listen in!

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Easter is for All

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Easter is for All

(A Sermon Based on 1 Cor. 15:1-8)

Who is Easter for? We could say that Easter is for Peter. We could say that Easter is for James. Most of all, however, we could say that Easter is for all. This sermon is designed to help each person listening to think through what Easter means for them individually wherever they are at in life.

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Coming Forth with Golden Faith


Coming Forth with Golden Faith

(A Sermon Based on Job 16:7-21)

Why do we sometimes not pray? Why do we sometimes refuse to pray for ourselves? Why is it that sometimes when we do pray we pray prayers that are completely sanitized? Job raises his complaint to God powerfully and as he does we learn from him about how to lament and grieve over our pain with God. In so doing, Job shows us how to see our lives through the lens of Jesus. Listen in!

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The Perplexing God


The Perplexing God

(A Sermon Based on 1 Kings 17)

Life is perplexing. It has been ever since we broke this place. And that means we get perplexed. There is a very natural and seductive way that we deal with our perplexities that this Scripture powerfully addresses. Even more powerful, however, is the way the Lord teaches us to properly deal with our perplexities. Listen in!

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