
The Inspired Life

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The Inspired Life

(A Sermon Based on 1 Corinthians 15:20-34)

Christians want to live inspired lives, but we often don’t. We often slip into lives that fret over the details; that have hopes that are too brittle; and dreams that are too small. Paul inspires us here to live inspirational lives by looking forward to more than we ever have before. This is our new life after Easter.

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Religion that Works on Your Anger


Religion that Works on Your Anger

(A Sermon Based on James 1:19-21)

Many say we live in an age of outrage. We probably do. We can see people expressing anger everywhere. Perhaps though the epidemic runs deeper than we even think. It may be true that the anger that goes unexpressed and even unrecognized in us that ends up destroying our lives the most. James here ministers to that. He teaches us to recognize anger and melts it right down into a peaceful soul life. Listen in!

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How Right You Are


How Right You Are

(A Sermon Based on Romans 14:1-6, 15:7)

There is so much of life that God has not told us how to live. So much that he's left to our discretion. Christians talk about these matters and often feel strongly about the decisions they make in those areas. Some Christians, however, don't see just how free they are and feel like there are some things they can't do even though God hasn't commanded anything or forbidden anything about it. When we have a right to live a certain way and we know we are right about that, but someone feels differently what should we do about that? This is a sermon about what to do with your right when you are right. Listen in below! 

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Living Life with Life

The Fourth Sermon in a Series called Romans The Gospel According to Paul Based Romans 5:12-18

We so often live life without life. We hold onto great moments too tightly. We experience powerful regrets about opportunities we've missed. We react hopelessly when trouble enters the picture. We live life without life. Find out why we do and then break loose from that kind of living by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Live life the way God intends it to be lived with life. Listen in below!

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