
Jesus, God's Wisdom

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Jesus, God’s Wisdom

A Sermon Based on Matthew 2:1-12

The story of the wise men is a story that has been told so often that it has the potential to turn into something like the city in which you live. You can barely see it or hear it anymore. This sermon seeks to give the story a fresh hearing pointing the listener to God’s wisdom found in Bethlehem and explaining the way a person can get there.

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Coming Forth with Golden Wisdom


Coming Forth with Golden Wisdom

(A Sermon Based on Job 28:1-12, 28)

This chapter of Job seems out of place. We can call it an aside in the book of Job. Perhaps though we should give it a more elegant name. Perhaps we should call it an interlude. But is it really just an interlude? Does it really have nothing to say about suffering? And why is there such a profound and beautiful description of ancient mining? Why these verses - this incredible hymn to human progress? These and other far more profound questions find their answers in this sermon. Listen in!

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How Right You Are


How Right You Are

(A Sermon Based on Romans 14:1-6, 15:7)

There is so much of life that God has not told us how to live. So much that he's left to our discretion. Christians talk about these matters and often feel strongly about the decisions they make in those areas. Some Christians, however, don't see just how free they are and feel like there are some things they can't do even though God hasn't commanded anything or forbidden anything about it. When we have a right to live a certain way and we know we are right about that, but someone feels differently what should we do about that? This is a sermon about what to do with your right when you are right. Listen in below! 

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