
God's Undeserved Love: Grace


God’s Undeserved Love: Grace

A Sermon Based on Ephesians 2:1-10

This sermon is a teaching on the above verses. It exposits the text under the theme of God’s grace, looking at various teachings as it does so. Included in the sermon are teachings on the natural human condition, what Christian conversion entails, and the role good works play in the life of the Christian.

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Uncovered: The Love of Christ

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Uncovered: The Love of Christ

A Sermon Based on Ephesians 3:14-21

Paul not only talks the talk. Paul also walks the walk. He not only says that through Christ, we can boldly access God; he does access God through prayer. What a prayer! This sermon looks at two of the petitions that Paul prays, showing Christ in the listener and Christ for the listener. It helps to root the love of Christ in the experience of the Christian.

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The Gifts of Christmas: The Incarnation


The Gifts of Christmas: The Incarnation

A Sermon Based on Titus 2:11-14

This sermon explores the doctrine of the incarnation in Titus 2. It then explains how that truth moves into our lives in three different ways. Merry Christmas, world!

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Found: Part 2


Found: Part 2

(A Sermon Based on Luke 15:11-24)

In this story called The Prodigal Son, Jesus puts the heart into the heart of the gospel. He does more than say that we are welcome to the Father in his name. He describes it. Listen in to this sermon as it makes clear what the gospel really is.

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Grace is More

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Grace is More

(A Sermon Based on 1 Cor. 15:8-11)

Ten times Paul refers to himself in this tiny section of Scripture! Don’t think it’s because it’s narcissistic. He’s not. Paul wants us to do something more than hear what he’s saying. He wants us to see what he’s saying. And why does he want that? Because naturally, we fight what we most need: grace. Grace fights back and claims our hearts. Listen in!

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Your Thing That Isn't a Thing

The Fifth Sermon in a Series called Romans The Gospel According to Paul Based on Romans 6:1-11

You've got your thing and I've got my thing, but we've all got our thing. It might be a thing that you want to get rid of. Like your fear. Or your anxiety. Or your depression. Or your people pleasing. Or your money spending habits. Those things could be your thing. Or it might be a thing you want that you know you shouldn’t have, but it still compels you. It still drives you. It’s a thing that you think you need to have to be happy. To be satisfied. To be ok. You know – your thing. It might be – how can this be put delicately? – a certain need that you have. Or your personal success however you define it. Or your respect. Or your financial security. Or the admiration of your peers. Or nicer stuff. You know your thing. Your thing that you don’t really want to tell anybody about. The thing that makes you feel and do things out of kilter and out of order. The thing that is broken and busted and off about you. This is a sermon about freedom from that thing. Listen in and live free!

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