
The Rich Man and Lazarus


The Rich Man and Lazarus

(A Sermon Based on Luke 16:19-31)

Money matters here in so many ways. We can think about how our money can make a big difference in the needs of our church and our community. Money also matters there (eternally). What we trust will have eternal consequences. This is a sermon that works through those teachings from Jesus. It has the goal of moving people into the gospel of Christ that has the power to raise us from the financial dead.

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The Shrewd Manager


The Shrewd Manager

(A Sermon Based on Luke 16:1-15)

This parable is widely acknowledged to be the most difficult of all of Jesus’ parables to interpret. This parable has also been used by unbelievers to discredit Jesus and by believers to play Robin Hood. This sermon takes the parable head on working to interpret it in line with Jesus’ gospel so that we might know him better and make wiser use of our assets.

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The Rich Young Man


The Rich Young Man

(A Sermon Based on Mark 10:17-27)

Wealth has incredible, godlike characteristics. We use it to do amazing things like reduce our fear; control our future; and even control other people. It can be such a force of good in our lives. This teaching from Jesus is a call to turn away from that good and, more than that, find true power from Jesus to do that. Listen in!

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Religion that Works on Your Wealth


Religion that Works on Your Wealth

(A Sermon Based on James 5:1-6)

This little section of James is a true anomaly in his little letter. The rest of James is the epitome of a practical look at wise, Christian living. This tiny, little section is the polar opposite. There is not a single practical thing that he actually says here about wealth. Not one. What do we do with it? This sermon is a take on that. Listen in!

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Your Thing That Isn't a Thing

The Fifth Sermon in a Series called Romans The Gospel According to Paul Based on Romans 6:1-11

You've got your thing and I've got my thing, but we've all got our thing. It might be a thing that you want to get rid of. Like your fear. Or your anxiety. Or your depression. Or your people pleasing. Or your money spending habits. Those things could be your thing. Or it might be a thing you want that you know you shouldn’t have, but it still compels you. It still drives you. It’s a thing that you think you need to have to be happy. To be satisfied. To be ok. You know – your thing. It might be – how can this be put delicately? – a certain need that you have. Or your personal success however you define it. Or your respect. Or your financial security. Or the admiration of your peers. Or nicer stuff. You know your thing. Your thing that you don’t really want to tell anybody about. The thing that makes you feel and do things out of kilter and out of order. The thing that is broken and busted and off about you. This is a sermon about freedom from that thing. Listen in and live free!

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Gospel Essentials 3

The Third Sermon of Gospel Essentials based on 1 Timothy 6:6-16

Paul wanted Timothy to preach. He even puts him under oath in view of God and Christ's second coming to encourage him to do it. Why? Why was he so adamant about it? Why should you connect yourself to preaching? Here's why. Listen in. 

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