Master Money

Master Money: Zacchaeus


Master Money: Zacchaeus

(A Sermon Based on Luke 19:1-10)

There are a number of problems that a modern Christian faces in this Scripture. 1) We are tempted to think too little of the Zacchaeus in the story. 2) We are tempted to think too little of the Jesus in the story. 3) We are tempted to respond too little to the story. This is a sermon that attempts to address those problems and, finally, give each listener a clear view of Jesus.

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The Rich Man and Lazarus


The Rich Man and Lazarus

(A Sermon Based on Luke 16:19-31)

Money matters here in so many ways. We can think about how our money can make a big difference in the needs of our church and our community. Money also matters there (eternally). What we trust will have eternal consequences. This is a sermon that works through those teachings from Jesus. It has the goal of moving people into the gospel of Christ that has the power to raise us from the financial dead.

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The Shrewd Manager


The Shrewd Manager

(A Sermon Based on Luke 16:1-15)

This parable is widely acknowledged to be the most difficult of all of Jesus’ parables to interpret. This parable has also been used by unbelievers to discredit Jesus and by believers to play Robin Hood. This sermon takes the parable head on working to interpret it in line with Jesus’ gospel so that we might know him better and make wiser use of our assets.

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