
What the World Needs Now: Prayer


All We Have is a Prayer

A Sermon Based on Isaiah 63:16b, 17; 64:1-8

What does the world really need? It needs nothing but the full-on advent of God himself. This sermon explores how Christians are reduced to praying only for that. It, therefore, interacts with modern optimism, which is not sure that the end of this world is really necessary. It also looks at the way that Isaiah spiritually and prayerfully prepares Christian hearts for the final advent of the Lord. He does this magnificently, taking on our self-righteously and pointing us to Christ who is our only true righteousness.

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Coming Forth with Golden Faith


Coming Forth with Golden Faith

(A Sermon Based on Job 16:7-21)

Why do we sometimes not pray? Why do we sometimes refuse to pray for ourselves? Why is it that sometimes when we do pray we pray prayers that are completely sanitized? Job raises his complaint to God powerfully and as he does we learn from him about how to lament and grieve over our pain with God. In so doing, Job shows us how to see our lives through the lens of Jesus. Listen in!

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Your Pain, God's Grief


Your Pain, God's Grief

A Sermon Based on Isaiah 64:1-8

God wants us to be spiritually authentic about our lives. He wants us to joy to the heights when times are good. He also wants us to express our pain when we feel grief. Our culture doesn't agree. Our culture urges us to live spiritually plastic lives - to push down our very real feelings of pain. This sermon explains though that it's not just culture that stops us from feeling the very real pain in our lives - from truly lamenting what's broken in them. There is something far more profound going in us that stops us from doing it. BUT once we do react - once we do allow ourselves to feel the pain of our broken hearts God uses that lament to begin to break open our hearts in a brand new way: with HOPE.

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