
True Love


True Love

(A Sermon Based on 1 Corinthians 13)

There are some relatively unhelpful places you can go to when it comes to this Scripture, the great love chapter of the Bible. This is a sermon that seeks to move the listener out of those relatively unhelpful places into the place the Spirit of God intended it to go. More than that, it’s a sermon that matures people in Christ to do what this Scripture calls for us to do: to love. Listen in.

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Just Be Held


Just Be Held

(A Sermon Based on Luke 1:67-80)

There is an overwhelming bunch of good news in this song. God has come to visit us; redeem us; and be the power of salvation for us. On and on the song goes like that exalting the grace and mercy of God toward his people. There is here, however, more than anything else an image of a new dad here - a dad who sings a lullaby to his children to hold them with his words. It is God telling you to just be held as you go through scares in life. Listen in.

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The Widow's Might


The Widow’s Might

(A Sermon Based on Mark 12:41-44)

The widow has a powerful message for us on the what and the why of giving. You just can’t dismiss what she has to say, but why does Jesus give us that message? It’s important that we not just identify with the widow. It’s also important that we see Jesus identify with the widow. This is power for real giving. Listen in!

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Religion that Works to Speak Healing


Religion that Works to Speak Healing

(A Sermon Based on James 3:1-12)

The tongue has a boast to make. A great one! Though it’s small it’s the most powerful part of the body. Though it’s tiny, it can say, “I shape your destiny.” It’s just like the Proverb that James seems to be commenting on here says,  “The tongue has the power of life and death.” (Prov. 18:21) This is a sermon designed to meditate on that, but finally to deliver the Word of life.

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