
Easter's Supernatural Surprise


Easter's Supernatural Surprise

(A Sermon Based on John 20:11-18)

You might be surprised to discover that Easter's big surprise is actually not the angels. You might be further surprised to find out that Easter's big surprise is not Jesus' physical resurrection either. What's the big surprise? A complete downer. And why is it important to notice that downer even on Easter? For your joy. Listen in.

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Drink This!


Drink This!

(A Sermon Based on John 4:4-18)

This is a delicate topic and it is handled delicately. You can see it everywhere in John's account. You can also see it clearly in Jesus' approach. He is delicate with this delicate topic in your life. He is also brilliant. Jesus reveals to us here our inner thirst for acceptance and love and respect. And, better yet, he shows us how that thirst is quenched properly all the way into eternity and in a way that won't leave you poured out and dry. Listen in.

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It Looks Like It


It Looks Like It

(A Sermon Based on John 3:14-21)

When you look around your life, it sure can look like it's lacking God's love. Especially when things aren't going right. In fact, it can really look like your worst fears are being confirmed  - like God's out to get you. That's the person John writes to and the person Jesus speaks to. Both Jesus and John are both intent that you look around your life and you see the love of God undeniably towering above everything else in your life. It's time to see that. So you believe... 

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The Torture That Heals


The Torture That Heals

(A Sermon Based on Mark 8:31-37)

Counterintuitively there is a torture that heals. Counterintuitively there is a death that brings life. Counterintuitively there is a losing of yourself that can leading to a true finding of yourself. This is a sermon about that very real paradox - the paradox that Jesus, the master teacher, lays out for us in this monster of a Scripture. Listen in for a truly transformation word from Jesus.

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Your Temptation and Mark

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Your Temptation and Mark

(Mark 1:12-15)

There is a great irony when it comes to Mark's account of Jesus' temptation. The same time he talks about temptation, he creates one. You can see people falling under the weight of that temptation everywhere if you look carefully for it. What temptation is that? The temptation to believe that because Mark's message is short it's also small - to rush right past what he says. This sermon fights back against that temptation. It seeks to reveal the heart and core of Mark's short, but major message on Jesus' temptation.

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Life with Your God.


Life with Your God.

(A Sermon Based on Psalm 131)

Life can feel like such a confusing, unsettled place especially when we don't know what's coming next or can't control what's happening. This sermon explores what is at the root of all our insecurities as we do life and all the things that stop us from truly having serenity now as we do it. It seeks to "grow down" the listener to a place of true emotional maturity. What does that look like? Listen in.

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