
Wider than the Ocean: Certainty

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Wider than the Ocean: Certainty

A Sermon Based on Job 11:7-12

This sermon is the cornerstone sermon in a new sermon series called Wider than the Ocean. As we move along in this time of pandemic, we have the opportunity to enter it anew with the certainty, faith, hope, and calling of Christ. We begin today by seeing how to find real certainty amidst all the uncertainty. The temptation is always to try to know what we cannot know. Life with Christ begins when we know what we can know and content ourselves with that.

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The Gifts of Christmas: Patience


The Gifts of Christmas: Patience

A Sermon Based on James 5:7-11

The Church selected this lesson that’s all about suffering for the time just before Christmas. Why? Christmas can be such a painful time of year. We stare at the dysfunction in our families. We mourn people we have lost. This Scripture teaches how to be patient during all the waiting we’re doing for restoration right now.

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Coming Forth with Golden Victory


Coming Forth with Golden Victory

(A Sermon Based on Job 41)

Leviathan is so powerful. He attacks us and we tend to get overwhelmed. That’s clearly a message in Job 41. The sense of powerlessness and victimization that he engenders through that can be leave us far from God - despairing of his justice. This is a sermon designed to put Leviathan back in his place so that our trust in the Lord’s power and justice can grow. Listen in!

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Coming Forth as a More Golden You


Coming Forth as a More Golden You

(A Sermon Based on Job 39:5-30)

It’s time to talk about suffering and take the topic straight on. That’s what the Lord does here. He comes straight at suffering by giving Job his vision of his creation. We need that vision - to be broken out of the smallness of our vision of suffering and to gain what this sermon calls an eagle’s eye vision of what’s actually happening in our lives through suffering. It’s how the Lord takes the suffering out of suffering while it’s happening in our lives. Listen in!

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Coming Forth as Golden Friends


Coming Forth as Golden Friends

(A Sermon Based on Job 5:1-7)

Maybe you’ve noticed that humans have an almost supernatural ability to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Maybe you’ve further noticed that that means we have an almost uncanny ability to increase the pain of others instead of lessening it. Why is that? What’s in us that causes that? And how do we combat that in our lives and become people who are truly balm during the suffering of others around us? This is a sermon that explores that and finds in Jesus forgiveness and empowerment to be a true friend to others in this life. Listen in!

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The Torture That Heals


The Torture That Heals

(A Sermon Based on Mark 8:31-37)

Counterintuitively there is a torture that heals. Counterintuitively there is a death that brings life. Counterintuitively there is a losing of yourself that can leading to a true finding of yourself. This is a sermon about that very real paradox - the paradox that Jesus, the master teacher, lays out for us in this monster of a Scripture. Listen in for a truly transformation word from Jesus.

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