



(A Sermon Based on Esther 10)

Hope is often a very abstract, nebulous concept to us. The Scriptures, however, go much further than that. They provide concrete images of hope. This sermon examines one of those images and explores why Scripture works like this. Finally, it points to Jesus as the confidence for a hope that is always heaping up to more hope.

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The Rule of Jesus Begins


The Rule of Jesus Begins

(A Sermon Based on Luke 1:26-45)

There is an achingly real Mary that we need to notice here. Why? Because we all have achingly real lives. When we truly see her, we can truly see how Jesus comes to us. He comes as Savior and God. We don’t immediately rejoice over that, but the Spirit gets us there. Listen in to see how.

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Life with Your God.


Life with Your God.

(A Sermon Based on Psalm 131)

Life can feel like such a confusing, unsettled place especially when we don't know what's coming next or can't control what's happening. This sermon explores what is at the root of all our insecurities as we do life and all the things that stop us from truly having serenity now as we do it. It seeks to "grow down" the listener to a place of true emotional maturity. What does that look like? Listen in.

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When Soldiers Come Home


When Soldiers Come Home

(A Sermon Based on Isaiah 9:1-7)

There is so much about this Scripture that makes the hearts of Christians warm. So much. But there is one part of this Scripture that is neglected that is truly the key to the whole prophecy: the burning boots. Listen in to this Christmas sermon about what God wants you to put in your Christmas hearth.

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God's Ultimate Sign


God's Ultimate Sign

(A Sermon based on Isaiah 7)

You probably didn't learn this Bible story as a kid. It probably didn't make your Sunday School curriculum. You probably didn't hear it through the Christian grapevine either if you grew up outside of the church. And there's good reason for that. There's also good reason to hear it. This is a Scripture that contains not just a prophecy of the Christ, but arguable the most recognized Christ prophecy in the entire Bible.  There's a reason it is. There's also a reason why we need to hear the whole story about where it comes from and why it lands there. It's a powerful Scripture full of God's mercy and grace. Listen in.

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The King of God's Heart

The King of God's Heart

(A Sermon based on 1 Samuel 13)

None of us are living un-ruled, kingless lives. We all have hopes and dreams. We all also have core beliefs about who or what will get us there. Who or what we believe that to be is our heart’s true king. This sermon based on 1 Samuel 13 is all about that: the True King. It’s about understanding who our heart's king naturally is and how God established his heart's king in ours. Check it out! 

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