
Jesus' First Pick

The Fourth Sermon in a Sermon Series called ACT II based on Acts 7:57-8:3; 9:1-6

The Spirit through Luke gives us the biography of a true terrorist who parachutes into the Acts story out of the clear blue sky. It's so striking. And why? So we know who Jesus thinks has the right resume to bring his gospel to the world. And that fact alone has a world to say to every Christian who has a high and holy calling. Today we think of how that relates to Christian moms.

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For Unity in Christ

The First Sermon in a Series Called NEW Based on 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

Jesus' Church so often divides itself according to personal preferences and our favorite styles. Paul addresses disunity like that with the power of the gospel. He teaches us that his Church is always built on the substance of Christ and his gifts. Listen in!

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Gospel Essentials 4

The Fourth Sermon of Gospel Essential based on 2 Timothy 1:3-10

Everybody in this life fits somewhere neatly on a spectrum when it comes to their relationships. They're either too tender or too tough. They either tend to run people over or get run over by them. Where does God want us to fit on the spectrum? And how do we become more of that in our relationships for him? Listen in to find out how to apply the gospel in relationships.

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A One-Off Sermon on the Book of Philemon

More Than a Slave

The Christian church has always had an incredibly interesting relationship with the book of Philemon. Back in the fourth century, very good Christians looked at it kind of sideways. It’s not that they weren’t sure Paul wrote it. Everybody knew he had. It’s just that they didn’t think it was very important. They wondered, “How does it move the church forward? How does it inform the faith or help us in the battles we’re facing?” They were asking the right questions. What makes this book stack up against Jonah or Romans or John? Is it majoring in minors? Is it a distraction or a detour from the heart of our faith? Listen in below to find out!

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