
New Vision: The Man on the Red Horse


New Vision: The Man on the Red Horse

(A Sermon Based on Zechariah 1:7-17)

This sermon lays the ground work for an entire forth coming sermon series which will walk through the visions that Zechariah, the prophet, received from the Lord. This sermon spends its time working to understand the identity of the man on the red horse and what he means for the Christian’s life.

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The Spirit's Vision


The Spirit's Vision

A Sermon Based on Ezekiel 37:1-14

The most bizarre thing about Ezekiel's bizarre vision is that it doesn't feel bizarre. We recognize it. We wish we wouldn't, but we do. There's something that's so real about it. We too stare at something that looks like an archaeological dig. We too can feel like we're trapped in a valley of death out of which we can't see a way. This is a sermon about how the Spirit gives people in a place like that faith that sees past the valley; hope against hope; and trust in life over death.

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The Difficulty of Discipleship


The Difficulty of Discipleship

(A Sermon based on John 1:43-51)

It's difficult to be a person of faith - to be what the Scripture calls a true Israelite. It's especially difficult to be that person when you have time. Because when you have time to notice what's happening inside you see your questions all the more clearly; and you see your pains all the more visibly; and you see your sin all the more often. That is what makes it difficult to hold to the promises of God - when we feel so alone and unnoticed and uncared for by God. Here God in the person of Jesus ministers to that difficulty with a word that brought its first hearer so much joy that it lit him up like a firecracker. Listen in.

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