Holy Spirit

Built Together: Your Proper Filling


Built Together: Your Proper Filling

A Sermon Based on Ephesians 5:3-20

Your heart has vessels. You know that from high school biology class. But, did you also know this? Your heart also is a vessel. It needs to be filled. This lesson from Paul explores two wrong ways people try to fill the heart and then gives one proper way. Your heart was always made to run on God, the Holy Spirit.

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Wider than the Ocean: Pentecost

Wider than the Ocean: Pentecost

A Sermon Based on John 16:5-11

This sermon is to honor the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday 2020. It examines the work of the Holy Spirit in light of the teaching of Jesus. It seeks to bring three convictions through the Spirit to the listener: a conviction concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment.

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The Gift of Each Other

The Body of Christ PP standard with subtext.png

The Gift of Each Other

(A Sermon Based on 1 Cor. 12:1-11)

There are times when it feels like coming to church is our greatest bain instead of our greatest blessing. Why is that? And how do we overcome that? How can we make coming to church feel like it’s Christmas every week? This sermon seeks to address those questions through a better, clearer understanding of God. The goal is for each of us to be unleashed for unparalleled and joyful service to Jesus. Listen in!

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The Spirit's Vision


The Spirit's Vision

A Sermon Based on Ezekiel 37:1-14

The most bizarre thing about Ezekiel's bizarre vision is that it doesn't feel bizarre. We recognize it. We wish we wouldn't, but we do. There's something that's so real about it. We too stare at something that looks like an archaeological dig. We too can feel like we're trapped in a valley of death out of which we can't see a way. This is a sermon about how the Spirit gives people in a place like that faith that sees past the valley; hope against hope; and trust in life over death.

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PreText on Matthew 12:22-37


This is a brand new effort at Peace to enable you to plumb more of the depths of Sunday's upcoming sermon text. It is not a sermon. It is PreText information so that your heart can more easily and more powerfully grasp what will be the sermon on Sunday. This Sunday's pretext work is on Matthew 12:22-37.

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A Sermon about God on Genesis 1:1-2

Why don't we joy more in our God? What caps our bliss? What puts a ceiling on our awe? Especially as we consider how surprising a firefly is and how expansive the ocean is and how phenomenal chocolate tastes. Why don't we understand that God is always bigger than everything? And why doesn't that thrill us more? Listen in to grow your awe and bliss in God. It's a sermon about and for the Holy Trinity.

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