



A Sermon Based on 1 John 4:1-6

If there’s a term that’s scarier or more threatening or more off-putting for a Christian than antichrist I don’t know what it is. Because Christ is your Christ. And anything that is anti him - anything that’s trying to replace his saving work in your life is something that John knows will make your skin crawl, which is why John uses that term. So it does. Why does John think he needs to do that? Because naturally antichristian teaching won’t feel wrong. This is a sermon designed to make the listener spiritually wily to teaching that's antichristian and to give confidence that what they are getting is coming from the Spirit of God. Listen in!

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Accepting The Truth


The Third Sermon in a Sermon Series called Schooled based on Matthew 12:38-45

We all play God in our own hearts. We want to believe what we want to believe, but there is always THE TRUTH. We get to receive in faith the gospel that fills our home with Christ. He is the truth, the forgiveness, and our life.

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My Only Pride

The Second Sermon in a Sermon Series Called Schooled Based on Matthew 12:22-29

We all have inner demons. There are some, however, that are more covert than others. This sermon discovers the ways in which the inner demon, pride, blinds us and mutes us to real living and, more importantly, the way Jesus exorcises that demon from us so we can speak and see. Listen in!

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