From Weak to Strong

From Strength to Weakness


From Strength to Weakness

(A Sermon Based on Judges 16:23-31)

This is a sermon that in a sense reverses everything that’s been said to this point in this sermon series. It points out the real tension in the story of Samson - the tension of our lives. We do not go from weakness to strength. We go from strength to weakness. What will God do about our constant failure? Good Friday answers the question.

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From Need to Free


From Need to Free

(A Sermon Based on Judges 16:4-22)

This isn’t just a story about not crawling into bed with the wrong person. This also isn’t just a story about the power of addiction. This is a story about love. The great tragic truth about humanity that Samson shows us in this story is that our greatest gift, our love, can be weaponized against us. There is, however, a deeper story even than that. Listen in to discover how to live free of the power of needy love.

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From Thirsting to Quenched


From Thirsting to Quenched

(A Sermon Based on Judges 15:18-20)

There is a temptation to read this Scripture simplistically. This sermon is a push against that tendency. It calls the listener to open their eyes to the various thirsts God has put into them and, more importantly, leads the listener to the Source of all things. Listen in below!

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From Enemy to Savior


From Enemy to Savior

(A Sermon Based on Judges 15:1-17)

You can look at a lot of your life like a donkey might look at theirs. In other words, you can see without really seeing. It can be so bad that you can even look at your own salvation and hee haw over it. This is a sermon that seeks to undo that blindness so that the listener can see Jesus for who he is and understand what he’s doing in their life.

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